How To Re-balance Your Gut Health

How To Re-balance Your Gut Health

Most people these days have poor digestive health, which is no good because according to Ayurveda, yoga’s sister science, all health and all disease begins in your gut. Even your happiness depends on the microbes in your gut! That said, we need to learn how to...
What Salt Cravings Mean

What Salt Cravings Mean

Do you ever have times in your life when you seem to crave salt more than usual? Perhaps you always crave salt and are constantly dreaming of potato chips, tortillas and salted popcorn. The thing is, we’re all hard-wired to crave both salt and sugar because back in...
How to Make A Green Smoothie

How to Make A Green Smoothie

What Is A Green Smoothie?   A green smoothie is a smoothie using dark, leafy greens such as spinach, kale, chard, collards, fresh fruits and a liquid base. These smoothies are naturally dairy-free and using creamy fruits like bananas, mangoes or papayas will give...