How to Tune into Your Intuition

How to Tune into Your Intuition

You’ve always had strong intuition. It’s been there since you were born. But we’re not taught to hone this sixth sense and in the process it becomes a teeny tiny voice that’s only a whisper, if that. Tuning into your intuition helps you make better choices and steers...
5 Amazing Benefits of Mindfulness

5 Amazing Benefits of Mindfulness

The healing benefits of a truly transformative mindfulness meditation practice are endless. From greater physical health to a higher emotional IQ – from greater mental clarity to profound spiritual awareness, the benefits of mindfulness meditation are simply amazing....
How Do Holistic Therapies Work?

How Do Holistic Therapies Work?

Holistic medicine is known as such because it targets the whole person, rather than just an isolated, specific part of the body such as an organ, like conventional medicine does. The idea with holistic health is that our health and wellness occurs on every level –...
What is Mindfulness?

What is Mindfulness?

In a nutshell, mindfulness can be summed up as a very attentive and nonjudgmental quality of awareness towards anything and everything that’s arising in the present moment. We can have mindfulness towards our thoughts and emotions, we can have mindfulness as we eat,...